Spotkanie ekspertów Grupy BIBUS z dziedziny pneumatyki
Spotkanie ekspertów Grupy BIBUS z dziedziny pneumatyki za nami.
Tym razem mieliśmy zaszczyt gościć kolegów i koleżanki w naszej polskiej centrali w Gdańsku. Przez dwa dni nasi specjaliści pogłębiali na warsztatach wiedzę pod okiem naszych dostawców z firm CKD CORPORATION, Matrix mechatronics i PTM mechatronics GmbH.
Bardzo dziękujemy za przybycie oraz wymianę doświadczeń!
A meeting of experts from the BIBUS Group in the field of pneumatics is over.
This time, we had the honour of entertaining colleagues in our Polish central office in Gdańsk. For two days, our specialists were learning within workshops under the eye of our suppliers from such companies as CKD CORPORATION, Matrix mechatronics and PTM mechatronics GmbH.
We would like to thank all very much for coming and exchanging experience!
11th and 24th December - change of working hours
Dear Customers!
We kindly inform that on 11th December 2015 headquarters of BIBUS MENOS will be open until 13.30. The orders for goods available on…
Management System Certificate
We are pleased to announce that once again the company BIBUS MENOS received the Quality Management System
Certificate, in complying with the…